Postos de Carregamento Elétrico

O Sol é a melhor energia para todas as viagens

Soluções de Mobilidade Elétrica

Oferecemos uma variedade de opções de mobilidade elétrica para empresas que desejam reduzir custos operacionais, melhorar a sustentabilidade e demonstrar responsabilidade social. Desde pontos de carregamento para veículos elétricos até frota elétrica corporativa, ajudamos a tornar a transição para a mobilidade elétrica fácil e acessível.

Instalamos postos de carregamento na sua residência, tornando o processo de carregamento do seu veículo elétrico conveniente e acessível. Com tecnologia de ponta e soluções de carregamento inteligentes, pode desfrutar da conveniência de carregar seu veículo durante a noite e começar cada dia com a bateria totalmente carregada.

Projetamos, fornecemos e instalamos

Postos de Carregamento de Veículos Elétricos

Tomadas Domésticas
(Nív. 1)

São os carregadores mais básicos, ligados diretamente a uma tomada padrão. Têm uma potência mais baixa e são ideais para recargas lentas durante a noite.

Pedir Orçamento

Wallbox Residenciais
(Nív. 2)

São carregadores de parede dedicados,
instalados em garagens ou áreas de
estacionamento. Carga mais rápida do que as tomadas domésticas e podem ser
ajustados para diferentes veículos

Pedir Orçamento

Wallbox Comerciais
(Nív. 2)

São semelhantes aos carregadores residenciais, mas com capacidade para recarregar vários veículos simultaneamente. São ideais para empresas, estacionamentos públicos e outros locais de grande fluxo de veículos.

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Carregadores Rápidos
(Nív. 3)

Também conhecidos como carregadores de corrente contínua (DC), oferecem recargas muito mais rápidas do que os carregadores de nível 2. São ideais para locais de alta procura, como postos de serviço e áreas de viagem.

Pedir Orçamento

Together, we can take the first step
towards a more sustainable and economical future
Learn how the Sun can power your home and business

Save and be sustainable, with peace of mind

Discover a complete range of services and products related to solar energy and electrical services.

Energy savings

Solar energy systems help to significantly reduce your energy bills, saving you money in the long run.


Our professional team takes care of all aspects of installation and maintenance, ensuring a smooth experience.

Tax Incentives

Take advantage of state support and tax incentives to install sustainable solar energy systems.


By using solar energy, you contribute to reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment.

Energy independence

With solar energy systems, you can become more self-sufficient and less dependent on non-renewable energy sources.

Increasing Property Value

Investing in solar energy will significantly increase the market value of your home or commercial property.

Savings Simulator

Simulate here how much money you can save,
how soon you will see a return on your investment
and how much CO2 you will avoid.

Solar FV Engenharia

Your trusted partner
for energy freedom and sustainability

Experience and In-depth Knowledge

Our team has years of experience and expertise in the solar energy and electric mobility industry. We combine this knowledge with an in-depth understanding of clients’ needs and challenges, ensuring tailor-made, high-quality solutions.

Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

At Solar FV Engineering, we are committed to providing superior products and services that not only meet, but also exceed customer expectations. In addition, we are firmly committed to environmental sustainability, helping clients to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Personalization and Customer Service

We stand out for our personalized approach and exceptional customer service. Each project is handled on an individual basis, taking into account the client’s specific needs and preferences. In addition, we are always available to provide ongoing support and resolve any concerns that may arise along the way.

Innovation and Advanced Technology

We are at the forefront of innovation and advanced technology in solar energy and electric mobility. We keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in the sector, ensuring that our customers have access to the most efficient and sustainable solutions available on the market.

Proven Results and Customer Satisfaction

Our clients are our number one priority, and we are proud of the proven results we deliver to them. We have a solid track record of success and customer satisfaction, demonstrated by positive testimonials and success stories.

Production guarantee up to 25 years


It's your turn to take the first step towards
a more sustainable and economical future.

Request a
personalized quote

Schedule a
free meeting

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

How do residential solar systems work?

Residential solar systems capture sunlight by means of photovoltaic panels installed on the roof or ground of the property. The solar energy is converted into electricity that can be used to power the home’s electrical appliances.

What are the benefits of installing a solar system at home?

The benefits include lower energy bills, energy independence, a reduced carbon footprint and increased property value. In addition, many governments offer tax incentives and subsidies for residential solar installations.

How much does it cost to install a solar system at home?

The cost of installing a residential solar system can vary depending on the size of the system, the type of solar panels and the characteristics of the property. We recommend scheduling a free meeting or a personalized quote.

How long does a residential solar system last?

Residential solar systems are designed to last between 25 and 30 years or more, with proper maintenance. Solar panels are generally guaranteed to produce energy for at least 25 years.

What is the difference between residential and commercial electric chargers?

Residential electric chargers are designed for home use and have a lower power rating, while commercial electric chargers are more powerful and suitable for public places, businesses and parking lots.

How long does it take to install an electric charging station?

The installation time of an electric charging station can vary depending on the type of charger and the characteristics of the installation. Generally, installation can take from a few days to a few weeks.

What are the maintenance requirements for a residential solar system?

Residential solar systems require little maintenance other than regular cleaning of the solar panels and periodic inspections by qualified technicians. Most systems come with maintenance guarantees to ensure long-term performance.

Can I connect my solar system to the electricity grid?

Yes, many residential solar systems are designed to be connected to the local electricity grid, allowing homeowners to sell excess energy back to the grid through feed-in tariffs.

Many families and companies have already started saving and becoming energy free, independent and sustainable

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